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Run-Type Composition of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Upper Chehalis River Basin

Run-Type Composition of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Upper Chehalis River Basin

West Fork has partnered with a client to implement a multi-year study to investigate the status and relative abundance of fall and spring Chinook in the Chehalis River basin. Small inclined plane screen traps designed in-house by West Fork were deployed at six sites downstream of known Chinook spawning areas.

South Fork Tolt River Steelhead Investigations

South Fork Tolt River Steelhead Investigations

West Fork has partnered with a client on a multiyear project to capture and tag juvenile summer steelhead rearing in the South Fork Tolt River to document reach-specific growth and movement patterns. Sampling was initiated in 2010 when PIT (passive integrated transponder) tags were first implanted in captured fish. Data has provided insight about timing of movement and growth of juvenile steelhead.

Boundary Hydroelectric Project: Mark-recapture Study

Boundary Hydroelectric Project: Mark-recapture Study

West Fork has partnered with Seattle City Light to design and implement a salmonid sampling strategy to investigate movement in selected tributaries of the Pend Oreille River in northeastern Washington.

Walsh Lake eDNA Sampling

Walsh Lake eDNA Sampling

In the Summer of 2018, eDNA collection and analysis was utilized as part of a larger project investigating fish distribution in Walsh Lake, located in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed.

Cedar River Sockeye Spawner Distribution Study

Cedar River Sockeye Spawner Distribution Study

West Fork Environmental conducted a three year study investigating the spatial and temporal distribution of hatchery and naturally produced sockeye salmon spawning in the Cedar River, Washington.

Monitoring Coho Salmon through restoration reach in Ohop Creek

Monitoring Coho Salmon through restoration reach in Ohop Creek

West Fork Environmental installed four PIT tag antennas in Ohop Creek, near Eatonville, WA, to collect data leading to a better understanding of the relative importance and role of the newly restored reach on movement and residence patterns of juvenile coho within the upper system.